i went to switzerland in may. and i spent a little bit of time in germany.
i couldn't afford bern.
after a few days i felt settled enough to go for a walk. so i picked a section of the grenzpfad napfbergland, so kindly referred to me, and carried a little piece of plastic, a book, a snack and some water for a while. there were fields and surprise restaurants.
i still didn't quite have my bearings, though, and felt occasionally confused.
coming to a picturesque barn, i drafted a comedy of errors.
it doesn't do much for one's street cred to say 'i lost my way on a poorly marked trail featuring hotels and restaurants every few miles in one of the most developed countries in the world because i wasn't paying attention to where i was going but i saw a nice cow and i went to the same wrong village twice and the schoolgirls asked me if the bus had passed and i sat on somebody's porch at five in the morning in order to guess the best way back to bern where i didn't want to go so i could get to trub where i did want to go', but let's be honest, that's pretty much what happened. after i regained the 600 or 700 (or so? who even remembers these things?) of feet i had lost on a poor routefinding decision, i crawled under my little piece of plastic in the 40 degree rain and let my glasses get foggy for a few hours in anticipation of another day of poor routefinding. i woke up in fog-shrouded forest. the book got wet.