Saturday, October 8, 2011

Maybe we should not go back the way we came.

It is easier to post pictures when i do not have my qualifying exam hanging over my head than when i do have my qualifying exam hanging over my head.

Toward the end of August, i met up with a friend from OU's linguistics program to do a little bit of hiking. That friend (Casey High), his friend (Kris Doubleday) and i went up Kelso Ridge on Torreys Peak. i took these pictures while we were doing so. Woo!

Also, i have taken over 3,000 pictures since these... i always get so far behind!

The route that we chose clearly was not intimidating at all.

The crux of the route is a narrow ridge traverse with <1000 foot drops on either side (or something like that).

Mmm... three-shot panorama.