after a few days of a relentless sinus infection (or something of that sort), said sinus infection relented enough for me to set out for that mythical and fabled land: lobalangit.
i didn't know what a lobalangit was or how to find them, but 'head west, young man!' echoed in my perfect ears--THAT is what 'to the pain' means. oops. sidetracked.
i headed west, young man. retrospectively, i'm shocked that the first vehicle that i was able to hitchhike on (an ambulance) was going through lobalangit. nobody goes through lobalangit. they hit pire, and then they just keep right on going, through orom to kitgum. they're wise--you can get indian food in kitgum, but definitely not in lobalangit.
these are some photos on the way.
on the way! a time of hope and expectation. maybe the muze will understand me this time! maybe i will understand him! maybe he will teach me a new word, rather than the same ones. maybe if i ask really nice, there will be a brilliant karamojong/english translator around. maybe if i just speak in so, the nyang'i will understand.
on the way! watching clouds all along the route--so dark and beautiful, like bittersweet irony or whatever--and feeling their first bemused drops.
oh, lightning-struck tree! big and majestic. rain? thunder? lightning-struck tree, you are surely sam beer-style shelter.
some of these photos are repeats from this summer. that's ok. they're good, so just like them.
I think this posting may include my favorite pictures yet. Excellent shots.