some folks ate, drank, and were merry in my apartment.
i took freelensed portraits in bars, which i'm still not very good at.
i lost my hat in the snow. i retraced my steps: coyote was here.
i buy ice cream of a certain flavor
recalling that once left—
and if presence had a body,
then this sweetness would be communion.
being of being!
warmed over city lights
and i watched for smoke
warm feet awaiting warm bellies
and i wanted to say
‘tell me—
but tell me, do you believe in redemption,
and if so, then as seeming, becoming,
or as some more essential sort of being;
and might a thing redeemed ever be redeemed
as much for itself as for others?’
we hesitated on the bridge
between canyon and arapahoe
while you slept,
and i read that to reveal is to worship.
i thought i heard you in the wind.
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