"why do you like to take photos?"
i wasn't quite prepared to be asked that. something about the question felt dissonant. i definitely didn't have an answer to it.
i started by mumbling something evasive, but felt like i was being a lame human being by doing so. so i fumbled around a bit for some sort of response and said something like "uh... i guess it's because it sometimes feels like something that i'm good at.
i don't know why it was such a paralyzing question. maybe it's because i didn't feel like i was good at photography when i was asked the question. maybe it's because i didn't feel like i like to take photos when i was asked the question (notwithstanding my having taken 80 or 100 so far). it's been a long time since i felt any sort of genuine love for taking photos, and i'm not positive that i've ever felt some sort of ecstatic need to take photos, as if i were being carried along by the spirit or what have you. i guess i just try to take good photos when i feel like i can, and i guess i don't often really feel willing to sacrifice anything for the sake of a good photo except perhaps a little bit of social grace, which isn't really one of my strengths to begin with.
on saturday i went hiking in the wild basin area with a few friends. it was beautiful and people were doing something that aborbed their attention a bit, so i figured i'd try to take some photos. maybe some of them are interesting or beautiful or something to that effect.
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