in august, Melanie, Elle Tyler, Ben Tyler, and i went to the san juan mountains to play lots of fun mountain games. the first mountain game that we played was a descent into the black canyon of the gunnison. i took a few portraits, but not really any landscapes or action shots that i liked.

the second mountain game that we played was being a ghost while pouring water into a bladder at a hijacked campsite while sam took handheld long exposures of us. there was a large family with sad dogs. they sort of pretended that they didn't know that they were hijacking our spot. we huddled in the back and had a small fire. the one time i scraped my undercarriage was trying to maneuver my car around their massive truck the next morning.

we went to yankee boy basin to play our fourth mountain game. it was a lovely place with some nicely persistent wildflowers. we walked up the basin as the sun rose.

the top of the basin is the south ridge of mount sneffels. the real fun of the fourth mountain game that we played was strolling up said south ridge. the south ridge of mount sneffels is only for people who want to have fun.

^^ see how much fun we were having? ^^

then we slid down a huge scree field, which felt less like a mountain game and more like some kind of mountain yuck. it was nice to not go up that way.

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