my mother and father did the greatest thing, and replaced my beleaguered camera. i'm still mostly befuddled when i try to use my new one because it's so techgadgety and i'm old and too fossilized to adopt to the kids and their newfangled contraptions, but i'm trying.
then there was an ice storm, because i was home. it was bad and all of the trees wanted to fall down and some did. so we went for a walk in a forest.

Rachel wasn't altogether sure about the situation, but she soldiered on.

the canadian river runs through this part of town. i wanted to kayak on it.

chunks of ice periodically leaped out of trees and tried to kill us. one caught me in the forehead and made me a little bit bloody. it was very exciting. my mother wanted to protect her head.

she found a disposable casserole pan on the ground, and rejoiced.

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