i didn't have a lot of time to play outside or take photos after the buerger wedding as i was writing a paper. it was a stimulating paper. here is a brief snippet:
Two proposed modifications to OT’s basic architecture (as laid forth in Prince & Smolensky (1993/2004), and discussed in §3) intended to account for the problems presented by ATR harmony systems will be explored in this paper: a cyclic architecture of OT, with harmony motivated by the markedness constraint AGREE (Baković 2000, 2002a, 2003), and Serial Harmony (SH) in Harmonic Serialism (HS), with harmony motivated by the markedness constraint SHARE (McCarthy 2000, 2009, 2011).
you can't contain your eagerness to read more, i understand.
lolmythesis edition: people try to describe why some vowels do some funny things in some languages, and they're really bad at it.
as a result, i have photos from a total of three days during the last two months of the semester. i killed off a migraine with a hike to emerald lake with melanie, i hiked up a small mountain with folks like melanie and ashley marshall, and i took some family photos for knud and alita hermansen:
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