Saturday, December 21, 2013

three hikes.

mount massive:

we watched half of the princess bride. we had a very early start. a relentlessly steep route to the top of the massif. four summits in a few hours. we descended a new way--a valley filled with icy lakes.

mount of the holy cross:

i was just lethargic. perhaps an earlier start. halo ridge to see the cross. a beautiful sunrise as we worked our way up the east slopes. who knows what my problem was.

mount harvard:

i took no photos. we drove around looking for an arch. fording rivers. mennonites on motorbikes (the name of my next band?). there were people in my car that i didn't know. we should name the car. i had had no luck in the past. paco.

1 comment:

  1. Mt. Holy Cross was out of control. The Halo Ridge route was just...speech stealing.
