in the second half of october and first half of november, i did some things that weren't in colorado. one of those things was driving to oklahoma for Colin and Lindsay's wedding. while i was there, i hung out with Melanie and Rachel and Rachel's friend Nick in norman. Nick climbed a tree at the george m. sutton wilderness park.

Colin and Lindsay somehow found time to hang out with me and Melanie for three or four hours the night before their wedding. that was crazy and unexpected and awesome. we went to a fancy bar and drank fancy drinks and apparently thought fancy thoughts, if this shot of Colin has anything to say on the matter.

a few weeks later, Melanie and i went to moab with several friends to run the moab trail marathon. my training had been drastically curtailed by migraines, so i didn't have high hopes, but i ended up feeling really great, which was really great. the next day, we did a little bit of creaky hiking in arches national park.

midday light is always a little bit tough for taking landscape photos, but there were enough strange surfaces and directions happening that i felt like i still had some opportunities to take pleasantly lit photos.

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