i have been trying to take more landscape photos lately--it seems like living in a place like boulder, which is generally pleasant-looking, presents a pretty unique opportunity for that. but i haven't had a whole ton of success except for a stretch in november. i went out with Melanie to look for a spot to take some night photos. i wanted something nice with running water from boulder canyon. i ended up liking all of the photos without running water more than i liked photos with running water. one of my favorites was just a test shot, shot at iso 3200, which is above. but i did also like a shot at a lower iso. obviously, i forgot to grab a remote control for my camera, so for the longer exposure shot i had to hold down the shutter button with my finger for the duration of the exposure. lolz.

i went for a walk in my neighborhood and there was a nice sunset.

while in oklahoma for thanksgiving, i took my mom and Melanie to the wichita mountains, and was reminded why i love them so much.

it was an autumny time of year, and some of the scrub oaks had some nice colors in their leaves. as the sun got low, there were some nicely highlit trees with shadowed mountainsides behind. there was enough light reflecting around that the shadowed mountainsides were well-lit enough to expose reasonably well.

Melanie had a good time and looked good doing it.

after we shiveringly ate burgers in an underheated meers store, we headed home. there was a nice range of twilight blues with a touch of warm right on the horizon, so i pulled over to shoot a few quick landscapes off of a tripod.

in the process, i realized that the reds from my taillights made a nice balanced foreground, so i used that for a few shots as well.

Melanie, Rachel, and i went foraging with Colin. we found nice mushrooms and this nice opossum that a lady was trying to release. she had caught it in her garage.

then, since the weather had been awesome all week and oklahoma, we got an awesome ice storm that messed everything up. the best thing to do in a huge ice storm is to go for a walk in a forest, so my family did that. Nick and Erika were so so happy.

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